Product Shot
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9" widescreen Flip Down
US$ Discontinued
New Models
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- Color Active Matrix TFT
LCD display
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built-in dome lights
- Built-in IR transmitter
for wireless IR headphones in front and back
- Adjustable viewing angle
- Included universal roof
- 2-HP100 Single Channel
Headphones included
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Footprint 11.11" X 13.57"
X 2.56"
- Resolution 1440 X 234
- Weight 3.74 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
10.2" widescreen Flip Down
US$ Discontinued
New Models
Click Here
- Color Active Matrix TFT
LCD display
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built-in dome lights
- Built-in IR transmitter
for wireless IR headphones
- Adjustable viewing angle
- Included universal roof
- 2-HP100 Single Channel
Headphones included
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Small mounting footprint
11.11" X 13.57" X 2.56"
- Resolution 2400 X 400
- Pixels 960,000
- Resolution Dots 2,880,000
- Weight 3.74 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
12.1" widescreen Flip Down
US$ Discontinued
New Models
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- Color Active Matrix TFT
LCD display
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built-in dome lights
- Built-in Dual Channel
IR transmitter for wireless IR headphones
- Adjustable viewing angle
- Included universal roof
- 2-HP200 Dual Channel Headphones
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Split Sreen Technology
- Picture In Picture Technology
- Fully Rotational Screen
- Footprint 9.76" X 12.58"
X 1.875"
- Resolution 1280 X 768
- Pixels 983,040
- Resolution Dots 2,949,120
- Weight 3.527 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
15.4" widescreen Flip Down
US$ Discontinued
New Models
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- Color Active Matrix TFT
LCD display
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built-in dome lights
- Built-in Dual Channel
IR transmitter for wireless IR headphones
- Adjustable viewing angle
- Included universal roof
- 2-HP200 Dual Channel Headphones
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Resolution 1280 X 768
- Pixels 983,040
- Resolution Dots 2,949,120
- Weight 6.5 Lbs
- Split Sreen Technology
- Picture In Picture Technology
West Coast Customs
17" widescreen Flip Down
US$ Discontinued
New Models
Click Here
- West Coast Customs OverHead
- Digital/ High Definition
TFT LCD display
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built-in dome lights
- Built-in IR Dual Channel
transmitter for wireless IR headphones
- Adjustable viewing angle
- Included universal roof
- 2-HP200 Dual Channel Headphones
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Picture In Picture Technology
- Fully Rotational Screen
- Footprint 15.06" X 18.44"
X 2.52"
- Resolution 1280 X 768
- Pixels 983,040
- Resolution Dots 2,949,120
- Weight 11.46 Lbs
7" (16:9) All-in-One
Overhead DVD System
US$ Discontinued
New Models
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- Small mounting footprint
11.11" X 13.57" X 2.56"
- Color Active Matrix TFT
LCD display
- Slot-in mechanism
- Last position memory
- Two AV inputs (1 internal,
1 external)
- One AV output
- Built in FM transmitter
- Built in IR Transmitter
for headphones
- Remote control
- Both + and - Dome Triggers
- Footprint 11.53" X 8"
X 2.88"
- Resolution 1440 X 234
- Pixels 161,460
- Resolution Dots 484,300
- Weight 6.2 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
OHD 901
9" (16:9) All-in-One Overhead
DVD System
US$ Discontinued
New Models
Click Here
- Color Active Matrix TFT
LCD display
- Removable Pop-in DVD mechanism
with built-in memory card readers
- Last position memory
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built in IR Transmitter
for headphones (Front and Back)
- Two 1-channel IR headphones
- Remote controller
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Footprint 11.11" X 13.57"
X 2.56"
- Resolution 1440 X 234
- Weight 6.2 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
10.2" (16:9) All-in-One
Overhead with Removable DVD System
US$ Discontinued
New Models
Click Here
- Digital/High Definition
TFT LCD display
- Removable Pop-in DVD mechanism
with built-in memory card readers
- Last position memory
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built in IR Transmitter
for headphones (Front and Back)
- Two 1-channel IR headphones
- Remote controller
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Picture in Picture Technology
- Footprint 11.11" X 13.57"
X 2.56"
- Resolution 2400 X 400
- Pixels 960,000
- Resolution Dots 2,880,000
- Weight 5.07 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
12.1" (16:9) All-in-One
Overhead with Removable DVD System
US$ Discontinued
New Models
Click Here
- Digital/High Definition
TFT LCD display
- Removable Pop-in DVD mechanism
with built-in memory card readers
- Last position memory
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built in Dual Channel
IR Transmitter for headphones
- Two 2-channel IR headphones
- Remote controller
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Picture in Picture Technology
- Fully Rotational Screen
- Split Screen Technology
- Footprint 9.76" X 12.58"
X 1.875"
- Resolution 1280 X 768
- Pixels 983,040
- Resolution Dots 2,949,120
- Weight 4.85 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
15.4" (16:9) All-in-One
Overhead with Removable DVD System
US$ Discontinued
New Models
Click Here
- Digital/High Definition
TFT LCD display
- Removable Pop-in DVD mechanism
with built-in memory card readers
- Last position memory
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built in Dual Channel
IR Transmitter for headphones
- Two 2-channel IR headphones
- Remote controller
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Resolution 1280 X 768
- Pixels 983,040
- Resolution Dots 2,949,120
- Weight 7.5 Lbs
- Picture in Picture Technology
- Split Screen Technology
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles
West Coast Customs
17" (16:9) All-in-One Overhead
with Removable DVD System
US$ Discontinued!
- Digital/High Definition
TFT LCD display
- Removable Pop-in DVD mechanism
with built-in memory card readers
- Last position memory
- Two AV inputs
- One AV output
- Built in Dual Channel
IR Transmitter for headphones
- Two 2-channel IR headphones
- Remote controller
- Built-In 4 Channel FM
- Picture in Picture Technology
- Fully Rotational Screen
- Split Screen Technology
- Footprint 15.06" X 18.44"
X 2.52"
- Resolution 1280 X 768
- Pixels 983,040
- Resolution Dots 2,949,120
- Weight 12.78 Lbs
- Vehicle
Specific Consoles